Thursday, August 9, 2007
In Pieces
Here is what the TV currently looks like. We also bought our SS180 (visit: in pieces as well. I HIGHLY recommend first time restorers do NOT buy a scooter this way, especially a Lambretta with all its parts. It's a good way to buy an incomplete scooter unknowningly, which will cost you a lot more in the end potentially. We bought the Vespa SS180 from a friend we have known and trusted for a long time. We bought the Lambretta TV175, pictured below, from Stuart Werner who has a very good reputation for being honest and upfront, plus he is also respected for the quality of his bikes he sold after restoring himself. We spoke with mentors Tom G. and Christopher Markley before purchasing and the advice they gave me, "is go with it Jeremy. Stu is honest and will tell you what you're missing and what it will cost you." The bike is not complete and Stu did point it all out and after more research I have learned it will cost $$. I can spend just under $1,000 on the suspension alone (if I get the set up I want, which I won't because $1,000 for three shocks is over kill for my purposes). So think about that! I paid $1100 for my TV with two motors and a missing disc brake/front hub and all three shocks. The front hub is $450 new and three performance shocks are $900; therefore the bike is not $1100 rather it is $1350. You need to think carefully when restoring a bike. A complete unrestored TV engine will bring about $500, so you can see that's not balancing the books. I may decide to fully restore the second TV engine and hold on to it for collector's sake or sell it to generate revenue for the restoration of the bike. I have seen original running TVs sell for under $3750 and I can guarantee that my bike will be close to $5000-$6000 in parts/paint. I am totally cool with that and knew that going into it. Just make sure you are too.
Note that my second engine, which is 90% complete, is in my basement and not included in these photos.
More TV 175 S3 Photos

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Is this my TV?

When you own things older than you, such as a house or car or scooter, etc. it's neat to learn the history of your old love. I aim to do all I can to learn more about the history of my wife's SS180 and my TV.
All I know, thus far, is that the TV was imported from Italy by Scooters O in NJ. There are two "Radio Spoleto International" stickers on the leg shield so I can only assume it spent part of its life in there. (Sorry I need to take a better macro pix of stickers and rotate the photo by 90 degrees right).
Stu Werner bought it from Scooters O and then due to lack of storage, disassembled it and stored it in the rafters above his garage. The front disc brake was used on one of his ESRA team's race bikes and I suspect other odds and ends were used as well. A couple items on my TV are not original to this specific bike and Stu pointed those out to me, but for the grand majority of the bike is original.
Next time I see Stu I aim to ask him more questions about the history of this bike or at least learn when he bought it and what the experience was like and what was the condition of the bike. More to follow.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Preliminary Parts List
I am far from beginning the restoration of this scooter as I still need to complete restoring my wife's SS180,, BUT seeing as a I am at a budget-stand-still with the Vespa I thought I'd start my parts list for the Lambretta TV175. The list below is in an Excel spreadsheet, but since I can not make a link for you to download it feel free to email me to request it and I will send it to you and if you're restoring a Lammy you can go ahead tweak it for your needs. I hope this list proves helpful.
I still need to compare my actual parts against this list to determine what I really need. I may also add the actual Innocenti part #s from the parts book to the final Excel spreadsheet parts list -- we'll see.
The list below was assembled using a Parts Catalog you can download for free from and a list of standard parts to replace for restorations from Stu Werner, which he gave me when I bought this TV from him.
** ** ** ** Parts List ** ** ** ** **
********* Engine Parts *********
1 Dean's Speed 190cc Kit
1 28 Minkuni carb
1 Clauss Studio engine mounts
1 Engine gasket set (possible to order as a kit for cheaper)
1 Rear hub back plate gasket
1 Engine rebound buffer w/washer
Engine mounting cones
1 Cylinder base gasket
1 Cylinder head gasket
1 Cylinder extended nut (for cylinder shroud)
1 Kickstart bump stop
1 8mm nut for exhaust std (engine case cover)
4 7mm end plate nut
4 7mm split washer for gearbox end plate
1 Chaincase cover gasket
1 6mm grease nipple (can I use sealed bearings and do away with the grease nipple?)
1 Oil drain plug (magnetic)
Other Parts TBD
********** Crank Shaft Parts **********
1 Crank Assembly: GP crank with TV arm (I have TV crank)
1 Oil thrower washer
1 Drive side bearing
1 Drive side oil seal
4 Bearing retaining screws
1 Hallite washer
1 Bearing distance piece
1 Piston wrist pin for Dean's Speed upgrade?
1 Small end bearing
1 Mag. Side (inner) oil seal (32x52x6)
1 Mag. flange circlip
1 Mag. Side (outer) oil seal (25x42x6)
1 Oil seal retainer
1 Flywheel side bearing (included with elec. start?)
1 COMPLETE crankshaft oil seal set (cheaper?)
********** Gearbox Parts *********
1 Main shaft bearing
1 Main shaft inner needle bearing
1 Kick start pedal rubber -- GREY
1 Gear cluster bearing
2 Shifter cursors ball bearing
1 Main shaft oil seal (32x45x6)
1 Kickstart shaft oil seal
********** Clutch Parts **********
2 Clutch basket needle bearings (or use alternative of G.P. bronze clutch bush
as longer lasting and more reliable?)
********** Fuel System Parts **********
1 Fuel tank cap
1 Gas tank splash cup
1 Gas tank fiber ring
1 Strap bolt trunnions (one threaded & one unthreaded, set)
1 Fuel tap assembly FAST FLOW (includes: brass fuel tap, fuel tap joint, fuel
tap arm with joint)
1 Choke cable assembly (includes: choke cable elbow, choke lever retaining
sleeve, choke lever assembly, choke cable complete -- GREY)
1 Choke spring
1 GP200 complete exhuast (Large Bore) with U-bend
1 Exhaust gasket (large bore)
1 Exhaust u-bend clamp (can this be purchased at Hardware store?)
1 Muffler clamp assymbly GP200 (Same as above?)
1 Exhaust clamp -- big bore
1 Air filter
1 Air filter oval gasket
1 Long airbox bolt
1 Airbox elbow rubber gasket
1 Air intake assembly (intake gasket, airbox top O-rubber, air intake)
1 Air hose GP150/200 (G.P non cup type work? Buy clamps at hardware store?)
1 Air spring spring clip
1 Lower drain retaining clip
********* Frame Parts **********
1 Fuel tank drip trays w/collar set
1 Fuel tank door (needed?)
1 Fuel tank door hinge pin
1 Fuel tank door lock & key
1 Fuel rod/frame grommet (needed?)
1 Centerstand spring (needed?)
1 Lower frame cone (needed?)
1 Centerstand feet w/pins -- BLACK
1 Centerstand hooks pair (needed?)
1 Centerstand splash plate (needed? Included w/Stu?)
2 Fuel tank rubber buffer set
1 R/H side rear footboard bracket (needed?)
1 L/H side rear footboard bracket (needed?)
1 Rear frame plugs -- GREY -- set of four
1 Side panel beading -- GREY
1 Rear shock (Taffspeed or BiTurbo)
1 Rear shock wave washer
1 Rear shock nut
********* Headset Parts **********
Brass throttle roller
Brass gear roller
1 Throttle tube spring washer
1 Throttle tube shim
Throttle/gear shaft bush
1 Throttle adjust lock nut (Needed?)
1 Inner shift bush - Ser 3
1 Cable guide clis (set of 2)
1 Throttle shaft sleeve
2 Throttle shaft ant-vibration bush
1 Grips -- GRAY
1 Light switch housing screw
1 Light switch housing (alloy)
1 Hand levers set (stiletto style? Needed?)
2 Lever pivot screw Assy-LI
1 Light switch housing
1 Light switch -- TV/SX (Needed?)
2 Hand lever anti vibration cap & spring
2 Pulley screw - S1,2,3
4 5mm BLACK wave washer
1 Headlight Unit SX/TV3 (Needed?)
2 Gear/throttle pulley shim
2 Gear/throttle rod inner
1 Generic headlight light bulb holder (Needed?)
1 Top clip -- CEV? -- TV/SX/GP (Needed?)
2 Headset bolt (attaches from bottom)
1 Fork clamp w/ 10 mm allen bolt (set) (Needed?)
1 Gear change housing (alloy)
4 Headset saddle 4mm nuts
1 Speedo cable lower boot -- GREY
1 Speedo rubber gasket -- GREY
1 Speedo face plate (Needed?)
1 Shift tube metal collar
2 Gear/throttle rod clamp plate
********** Forks Parts **********
Upper fork rebound buffer (thin type) w/bolts (Needed?)
Lower fork rebound buffer (fat type) w/bolts (Needed?)
2? Fork link pivot bolt nut
2? Fork link pivot bolt
4 Fork link spacer washer
2 Fork link damp stud (Needed?)
2 Fork spring shaft (buy used or buy whole new Kawasaki or equivalent shocks)
1 Threaded fork cup (Needed?)
1 Fork lock ring (Needed?)
1 Fork link cup washer (Needed?)
1 Fork lock ring washer (Needed?)
2 Taffspeed fork springs (H/D F/Springs GP/LI/SX models)
2 Fork rod stop (Needed?)
2 Fork rod (Needed?)
4 Washers tav VIII (fig. 80 Scooters O)
2 Bearing -- upper steering
2 Bearing -- lowering steering
2 Screw on top bearing race
2 Lock washer for upper fork
2 Fork top screw on lock ring
2 Buffer, rubber fork bolt-in small
2 Buffer, rubber fork bolt-in large
1 Hardware kit, fork link
1 Steering lock screw
********** Front Hub & Brake Parts **********
1 Cheaper to buy frontt disc brake assembly (including windows and "I" cap?).
I currently own the disc hub, but nothing else.
1 Front hub w/ studs
1 Front axle
2 Axle bridge
2? Axle domed nut
1 Axle nyloc nut
2 Axle seal
1 Outer axle washer
1 Inner axle nut
1 Speedometer gear drives
1 Speedo drive assembly (Brass)
1 Speedo drive worm
1 "I" Cap for disc brake
1 Hub window grilles for disc brake (set of 4)
1 Front brake lever assembly for disc brake
1 Front brake disc
1 Static pad adjusting stud
1 Disc brake pads
1 Brake shoe return spring
********** Rear Hub & Brake Parts **********
1 Rear hub cone (Needed?)
1 Rear brake shoes
1 Rear hub nut/washer kit
********** Tires **********
3 3.5"x10" Pirelli SC28 or Michelin S83 or ?
3 3.5"x10" inner tubes
1 3.5"x10" rim
********** Electrical & Wiring Parts **********
1 CDI/Coil unit for GP crank (Electronic ignition kit)
1 Ser. 3 AC electronic ign. wiring harness
3 6x25 bolt - stator plate (Needed?)
1 6mm washer -- BLACK
1 Wiring junction box
********** Trim, Cables, Gaskets, Seals, Etc. in GREY unless indicated otherwise **********
1 Leg shielding beading (Needed?)
2 Endcap, legshield upper
1 Endcap, legshield lower (Exists?)
2 Endcap, Legshield bead lower
1 Horn cover to leg shield left & right side gasket
1 Horn cover to front fender
1 Horncast bottom side Ser 3
1 Horncover side gray Ser 3
1 Front fender to leg shield left & right side gaskets
2 Side panel gaskets left & right
1 Side panel rubber
1 Tail light gasket
1 Brake light switch rubber boot
1 Mud flap (Needed?)
1 Leg shield floor rail rubber inserts ONE SET (Needed?)
1 Aluminum floor rails channels SET of FOUR
4 Rubber, aluminim channel
1 Aluminum channel hardware kit
1 One set round and rectangle rubber frame grommets
10 Round floor gasket (Same as above?)
10 Rectangular floor gasket (Same as above?)
1 One set of Six plastic floor strips
1 Bridge piece gaskets front & rear
1 Air scoop gasket
1 Brake pedal rubber in BLACK (Needed?)
2 Side panel buffers with clips (Needed?)
1 Ser. 3 handgrips pair (Needed?)
1 Toolbox to frame gasket
1 Toolbox upper & lower grommet/buffers
1 Toolbox lock
1 Toolbox rubber
8 White plastic seat washers
12 Metal end clips
2 Front outer finishing nuts
4 Finishing washers inside leg shield
2 Glovebox door upper buffer
2 Glovebox door lower buffer
1 Glovebox lock with handle/key
1 Steering column lock with keys
1 Complete cable set
1 Speedo cable
1 Speedo drive seal
1 Front brake adjusters
1 Rear brake adjusters
4 Fork rebound buffers large
1 Horncover/horncast badge shield (Needed?)
1 Clip for horncast badge
1 Leg shield "TV175" badge
1 Leg shield "Lambretta" badge
2 Side panel "LAMBRETTA" badges
1 Horn cast badge clip
1 Bulb, headlight - 12 volt 35/35w light bulb
1 Bulb, headlight - 12 volt 21/5w light bulb
1 Bulb, festoon 12v 5w
1 Bulb, bayonet speedo - 12 volt 5w light bulb
1 Pilot - 12 volt light bulb
1 Tail/Brake - 12 volt light bulb
3 Gear & clutch protection sleeves
3 Gear & clutch cable trunnions
2 Fork link blots, nuts, washers
1 Gas tank straps (Needed?)
6 Strap Buffer
1 Gasket fender, front
1 Mudflap rear
1 Seat hardware kit -- LI/TV
1 Front brake cable ferrule
1 Rear brake cable ferrule
3 Cable protection sleeve
1 Hardware, cable trunnion large
2 Hardware, cable trunnion small
10 F/Strip push nut
********* Hardware **********
Note: (a) use stainless steel hardware (lower maintenance and remains shiny!) which can be bought from a home improvement or hardware store. (b) You can download a list of hardware sizes from Scooters O in NJ.
I still need to compare my actual parts against this list to determine what I really need. I may also add the actual Innocenti part #s from the parts book to the final Excel spreadsheet parts list -- we'll see.
The list below was assembled using a Parts Catalog you can download for free from and a list of standard parts to replace for restorations from Stu Werner, which he gave me when I bought this TV from him.
** ** ** ** Parts List ** ** ** ** **
********* Engine Parts *********
1 Dean's Speed 190cc Kit
1 28 Minkuni carb
1 Clauss Studio engine mounts
1 Engine gasket set (possible to order as a kit for cheaper)
1 Rear hub back plate gasket
1 Engine rebound buffer w/washer
Engine mounting cones
1 Cylinder base gasket
1 Cylinder head gasket
1 Cylinder extended nut (for cylinder shroud)
1 Kickstart bump stop
1 8mm nut for exhaust std (engine case cover)
4 7mm end plate nut
4 7mm split washer for gearbox end plate
1 Chaincase cover gasket
1 6mm grease nipple (can I use sealed bearings and do away with the grease nipple?)
1 Oil drain plug (magnetic)
Other Parts TBD
********** Crank Shaft Parts **********
1 Crank Assembly: GP crank with TV arm (I have TV crank)
1 Oil thrower washer
1 Drive side bearing
1 Drive side oil seal
4 Bearing retaining screws
1 Hallite washer
1 Bearing distance piece
1 Piston wrist pin for Dean's Speed upgrade?
1 Small end bearing
1 Mag. Side (inner) oil seal (32x52x6)
1 Mag. flange circlip
1 Mag. Side (outer) oil seal (25x42x6)
1 Oil seal retainer
1 Flywheel side bearing (included with elec. start?)
1 COMPLETE crankshaft oil seal set (cheaper?)
********** Gearbox Parts *********
1 Main shaft bearing
1 Main shaft inner needle bearing
1 Kick start pedal rubber -- GREY
1 Gear cluster bearing
2 Shifter cursors ball bearing
1 Main shaft oil seal (32x45x6)
1 Kickstart shaft oil seal
********** Clutch Parts **********
2 Clutch basket needle bearings (or use alternative of G.P. bronze clutch bush
as longer lasting and more reliable?)
********** Fuel System Parts **********
1 Fuel tank cap
1 Gas tank splash cup
1 Gas tank fiber ring
1 Strap bolt trunnions (one threaded & one unthreaded, set)
1 Fuel tap assembly FAST FLOW (includes: brass fuel tap, fuel tap joint, fuel
tap arm with joint)
1 Choke cable assembly (includes: choke cable elbow, choke lever retaining
sleeve, choke lever assembly, choke cable complete -- GREY)
1 Choke spring
1 GP200 complete exhuast (Large Bore) with U-bend
1 Exhaust gasket (large bore)
1 Exhaust u-bend clamp (can this be purchased at Hardware store?)
1 Muffler clamp assymbly GP200 (Same as above?)
1 Exhaust clamp -- big bore
1 Air filter
1 Air filter oval gasket
1 Long airbox bolt
1 Airbox elbow rubber gasket
1 Air intake assembly (intake gasket, airbox top O-rubber, air intake)
1 Air hose GP150/200 (G.P non cup type work? Buy clamps at hardware store?)
1 Air spring spring clip
1 Lower drain retaining clip
********* Frame Parts **********
1 Fuel tank drip trays w/collar set
1 Fuel tank door (needed?)
1 Fuel tank door hinge pin
1 Fuel tank door lock & key
1 Fuel rod/frame grommet (needed?)
1 Centerstand spring (needed?)
1 Lower frame cone (needed?)
1 Centerstand feet w/pins -- BLACK
1 Centerstand hooks pair (needed?)
1 Centerstand splash plate (needed? Included w/Stu?)
2 Fuel tank rubber buffer set
1 R/H side rear footboard bracket (needed?)
1 L/H side rear footboard bracket (needed?)
1 Rear frame plugs -- GREY -- set of four
1 Side panel beading -- GREY
1 Rear shock (Taffspeed or BiTurbo)
1 Rear shock wave washer
1 Rear shock nut
********* Headset Parts **********
Brass throttle roller
Brass gear roller
1 Throttle tube spring washer
1 Throttle tube shim
Throttle/gear shaft bush
1 Throttle adjust lock nut (Needed?)
1 Inner shift bush - Ser 3
1 Cable guide clis (set of 2)
1 Throttle shaft sleeve
2 Throttle shaft ant-vibration bush
1 Grips -- GRAY
1 Light switch housing screw
1 Light switch housing (alloy)
1 Hand levers set (stiletto style? Needed?)
2 Lever pivot screw Assy-LI
1 Light switch housing
1 Light switch -- TV/SX (Needed?)
2 Hand lever anti vibration cap & spring
2 Pulley screw - S1,2,3
4 5mm BLACK wave washer
1 Headlight Unit SX/TV3 (Needed?)
2 Gear/throttle pulley shim
2 Gear/throttle rod inner
1 Generic headlight light bulb holder (Needed?)
1 Top clip -- CEV? -- TV/SX/GP (Needed?)
2 Headset bolt (attaches from bottom)
1 Fork clamp w/ 10 mm allen bolt (set) (Needed?)
1 Gear change housing (alloy)
4 Headset saddle 4mm nuts
1 Speedo cable lower boot -- GREY
1 Speedo rubber gasket -- GREY
1 Speedo face plate (Needed?)
1 Shift tube metal collar
2 Gear/throttle rod clamp plate
********** Forks Parts **********
Upper fork rebound buffer (thin type) w/bolts (Needed?)
Lower fork rebound buffer (fat type) w/bolts (Needed?)
2? Fork link pivot bolt nut
2? Fork link pivot bolt
4 Fork link spacer washer
2 Fork link damp stud (Needed?)
2 Fork spring shaft (buy used or buy whole new Kawasaki or equivalent shocks)
1 Threaded fork cup (Needed?)
1 Fork lock ring (Needed?)
1 Fork link cup washer (Needed?)
1 Fork lock ring washer (Needed?)
2 Taffspeed fork springs (H/D F/Springs GP/LI/SX models)
2 Fork rod stop (Needed?)
2 Fork rod (Needed?)
4 Washers tav VIII (fig. 80 Scooters O)
2 Bearing -- upper steering
2 Bearing -- lowering steering
2 Screw on top bearing race
2 Lock washer for upper fork
2 Fork top screw on lock ring
2 Buffer, rubber fork bolt-in small
2 Buffer, rubber fork bolt-in large
1 Hardware kit, fork link
1 Steering lock screw
********** Front Hub & Brake Parts **********
1 Cheaper to buy frontt disc brake assembly (including windows and "I" cap?).
I currently own the disc hub, but nothing else.
1 Front hub w/ studs
1 Front axle
2 Axle bridge
2? Axle domed nut
1 Axle nyloc nut
2 Axle seal
1 Outer axle washer
1 Inner axle nut
1 Speedometer gear drives
1 Speedo drive assembly (Brass)
1 Speedo drive worm
1 "I" Cap for disc brake
1 Hub window grilles for disc brake (set of 4)
1 Front brake lever assembly for disc brake
1 Front brake disc
1 Static pad adjusting stud
1 Disc brake pads
1 Brake shoe return spring
********** Rear Hub & Brake Parts **********
1 Rear hub cone (Needed?)
1 Rear brake shoes
1 Rear hub nut/washer kit
********** Tires **********
3 3.5"x10" Pirelli SC28 or Michelin S83 or ?
3 3.5"x10" inner tubes
1 3.5"x10" rim
********** Electrical & Wiring Parts **********
1 CDI/Coil unit for GP crank (Electronic ignition kit)
1 Ser. 3 AC electronic ign. wiring harness
3 6x25 bolt - stator plate (Needed?)
1 6mm washer -- BLACK
1 Wiring junction box
********** Trim, Cables, Gaskets, Seals, Etc. in GREY unless indicated otherwise **********
1 Leg shielding beading (Needed?)
2 Endcap, legshield upper
1 Endcap, legshield lower (Exists?)
2 Endcap, Legshield bead lower
1 Horn cover to leg shield left & right side gasket
1 Horn cover to front fender
1 Horncast bottom side Ser 3
1 Horncover side gray Ser 3
1 Front fender to leg shield left & right side gaskets
2 Side panel gaskets left & right
1 Side panel rubber
1 Tail light gasket
1 Brake light switch rubber boot
1 Mud flap (Needed?)
1 Leg shield floor rail rubber inserts ONE SET (Needed?)
1 Aluminum floor rails channels SET of FOUR
4 Rubber, aluminim channel
1 Aluminum channel hardware kit
1 One set round and rectangle rubber frame grommets
10 Round floor gasket (Same as above?)
10 Rectangular floor gasket (Same as above?)
1 One set of Six plastic floor strips
1 Bridge piece gaskets front & rear
1 Air scoop gasket
1 Brake pedal rubber in BLACK (Needed?)
2 Side panel buffers with clips (Needed?)
1 Ser. 3 handgrips pair (Needed?)
1 Toolbox to frame gasket
1 Toolbox upper & lower grommet/buffers
1 Toolbox lock
1 Toolbox rubber
8 White plastic seat washers
12 Metal end clips
2 Front outer finishing nuts
4 Finishing washers inside leg shield
2 Glovebox door upper buffer
2 Glovebox door lower buffer
1 Glovebox lock with handle/key
1 Steering column lock with keys
1 Complete cable set
1 Speedo cable
1 Speedo drive seal
1 Front brake adjusters
1 Rear brake adjusters
4 Fork rebound buffers large
1 Horncover/horncast badge shield (Needed?)
1 Clip for horncast badge
1 Leg shield "TV175" badge
1 Leg shield "Lambretta" badge
2 Side panel "LAMBRETTA" badges
1 Horn cast badge clip
1 Bulb, headlight - 12 volt 35/35w light bulb
1 Bulb, headlight - 12 volt 21/5w light bulb
1 Bulb, festoon 12v 5w
1 Bulb, bayonet speedo - 12 volt 5w light bulb
1 Pilot - 12 volt light bulb
1 Tail/Brake - 12 volt light bulb
3 Gear & clutch protection sleeves
3 Gear & clutch cable trunnions
2 Fork link blots, nuts, washers
1 Gas tank straps (Needed?)
6 Strap Buffer
1 Gasket fender, front
1 Mudflap rear
1 Seat hardware kit -- LI/TV
1 Front brake cable ferrule
1 Rear brake cable ferrule
3 Cable protection sleeve
1 Hardware, cable trunnion large
2 Hardware, cable trunnion small
10 F/Strip push nut
********* Hardware **********
Note: (a) use stainless steel hardware (lower maintenance and remains shiny!) which can be bought from a home improvement or hardware store. (b) You can download a list of hardware sizes from Scooters O in NJ.
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